
MiKoBots is a company focused on making robotic arms accessible to everyone. In addition to our robotic arms, we have developed open-source software that allows you to control them easily.

MiKoBots Studio

Easy and free to use robotic programming software

Meet MiKoBots Studio, an open-source software for controlling your robotic arm. It features functions like simulation,  build in python IDE and many more.

MiKo-1 a 3D printed robotic arm

Meet MiKo-1, our first robotic arm! MiKo-1 is available as a kit or as digital files. The robot has a reach of over 450 mm and a payload capacity of 1.5 kg. A perfect robotic arm for hobbyists, students, and professionals.



MiKo-mini is a small accessible robot arm

MiKo-mini is a 3-axis robotic arm, perfect for students and beginners exploring robotics. The  robot arm has a vacuum tool and magnetic tool. In addition to these tools, the robot features several ports that allow users to connect other devices and sensors. It includes one output connector for 12V devices and three input/output connectors for 3.3V signals.


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