
Installation of the camera firmware

This installation guide explains how to install the camera firmware.

First, download the firmware from the download page: https://mikobots.com/mikobots-studio/downloads/.

Save the ZIP file to your preferred location, then unzip it.

Installation arduino IDE

If you haven’t installed the Arduino IDE yet, download it from https://www.arduino.cc/en/software and install the software.

The Arduino IDE doesn’t support the ESP32 by default. To add support, follow these steps:

Step 1:

Start arduino and open the Preference window

Step 2:

In the “Additional Boards Manager URLs” field, enter the following link and press ok:

  • https://espressif.github.io/arduino-esp32/package_esp32_index.json
Step 3:

Open Boards Manager from Tools > Board  > Board manager and install esp32 platform

Step 4:

Select your ESP32, Select your board from Tools > Board > esp32 > ESP32 Dev Module

Upload the firmware

Open the file ESP32_robot_controller.ino in the folder you downloaded.

Once the program is open, change the following two lines to include your Wi-Fi network name and password:

  • const char* ssid = "wifi"; // Replace "wifi" with your network name
  • const char* password = "Password"; // Replace "Password" with your Wi-Fi password

After making these changes, you can upload the firmware to the ESP32.


You can connect to the video stream by entering the following URL in your web browser:

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